Amplify Law

Amplify Law attorneys provide SaaS software licensing and transaction negotiations. The firm has used their expertise and business-focused strategies to negotiate licensing contracts valued in the millions for corporations of all types and sizes. Both hourly and flat fee pricing is available, depending on the size of the firm and their needs.
McLean,Virginia (USA)
Number of Employees:
Attorneys and Law Firms
License Agreements, SLA Support, Commercial & SOW Legal Terminology Review, SaaS Template Advise, IPR, OSS Legal Implications Review

Looking for a SaaS Contract Lawyer?

Best SaaS Contracts Lawyers 2021 - Complete Guide

Top 19 SaaS Contracts Attorneys and Platforms Compared

One of the first tasks for an early stage SaaS company is getting a legal structure and documents in order. This includes Terms of Service, a Privacy Policy, and various agreements and contracts. SaaS and Internet law can have its own nuances so it is recommended you hire and work with a SaaS focused attorney.

The guide includes a range of pricing options from straightforward, project based contract work with an individual SaaS focused lawyer to firms focused on scaling fast growing startups and catering to all of their legal needs.

Read the Guide