Services Certified Agency Partner - Strategy, Setup and Managed Services

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Get onboarding help, or optimize your existing instance Strategy and Setup - Get Expert Advice and Guidance in Setting Up an Automated Cold Outreach Lead Engine Powered by, from a certified agency partner is a great choice for implementing an outbound motion for B2B SaaS and startups. is an all-in-one tool that can be used to build lists, create sequences, automate and execute multi-channel, account based outreach programs and generate a pipeline of warm leads. has integrations with most major CRMs (Hubspot, SFDC), LinkedIn, GMail, etc.

Looking for a Certified Agency Partner to help with strategy and implementation? will work with you to understand your business, ICPs, competitors, messaging, etc. and partner to setup a strategic and automated outbound engine using

Are you ready for Certified Agency Partner - Strategy, Setup and Managed Services

? Done for You as a Service - Managed Services Services that can help with:

Building Lists - Companies to target and contacts within them

Targeting the right Accounts (Account Based Marketing approach) is the critical first step to any outbound efforts. Depending on your ICPs, targeting options beyond the usual demographic (company size, industry, etc.) might include:

  • Companies hiring for specific roles
  • Companies growing X% YoY
  • Intent Data (Leadsift, Bombora) to identify in market accounts researching specific solutions
  • Companies with a certain # of employees in a department
  • Technographic data (certain technologies installed)
  • Job change data
  • Lookalike accounts to your current customers/wins

For more detailed information on see our Onboarding Document - Using ICPs, Personas, Messaging, Signals to Set Up an Automated Outbound Engine for the information we gather up front to build a custom instance.

Building Personas

An Account Based Prospecting strategy includes identifying the different personas at your target accounts and surrounding the account with personalized and appropriate messaging and content offers based on different personas. For example you may target CIOs at SMB accounts, but at larger enterprises target Directors of IT or more granular job titles might be more appropriate. A CIO may care more about ROI and security and respond to a . This can all be setup and automated with Apollo.

Building Sequences

Setup and A/B Test campaigns based on segmented lists. Apollo's custom variables and if/then logic can be used to create highly personalized messaging based on contact and account data.

Setting up and managing Domains for Cold Email Outreach

There are several steps to take to protect your main domain and maximize email deliverability and response rates. See Cold Email Best Practices for SaaS Companies for more details.

Use Intent Data to Target In Market Accounts

At any one time, roughly 15% of the accounts in your ICP may actually be in market and researching options. Other accounts may have a solution in place, outside of budget and planning cycles, other priorities, etc. See How to Use Intent Data to Book Demos with for a more detailed approach on using intent data sources to identify the right accounts at the right time and market to them. Integrations

Setup Bi-directional synch with CRMs (Hubspot, Salesforce), data sources, and other sales and marketing tools. Custom contact and account stages can be helpful to make the tech stack work together.

Building Plays "Plays" can automate many actions in your outbound setup. Automating email marketing delivers a steady flow of responses and leads when set up correctly.

Examples of ways we've used Plays for B2B SaaS clients:

-Connect with Dealfront (Leadfeeder) to identify accounts that visit your website, automatically find the right contacts at those accounts that match your buyer persona(s), add them to targeted, outbound personalized email sequences. See How To Identify B2B Website Visitors for Sales Follow Up for more details.

-Connect with Bombora or Leadsift Intent Data to identify net new accounts that are researching topics related to your company's software and services, identify and add those decision makers to email sequences.

See Automating Outreach with Plays for a DIY video tutorial.

Build Account and Contact Scoring Models

All of the Account and Contact targeting options above can be used in Apollo to automatically identify Accounts and Contacts that are excellent fits to target, on an ongoing basis.

Example - in this instance NetApp is an excellent account account to target because they have visited specific high value website pages (Dealfront data), have shown intent (G2 third party data), are hiring for a key role, and meet other demographic filters that match the ICP. The plays will automatically find the right contacts at this account based on our personas and add them to an outbound sequence:

See our video tutorial on How to Create a Custom Account Score in

Layering in Outsourced SDR (cold calling) services to support outbound efforts

Don't have in house SDRs or BDRs to follow up and nurture some of the warm leads and initial interest Apollo is producing? Consider adding Outsourced SDR and BDR Services.

What We Can Provide:

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Case Studies: for Growing SaaS Startups

How the Process Works


Provide us an email address

You provide us access to a temporary corporate email address from your domain - required by some providers to prove ownership (it can be generic like ''). We only use this email address for the purpose of submitting/editing/approving listings. You can delete it afterwards if needed or change the password later if you want to keep that as a separate inbox for listings communications.


Fill out our form once with your product and company details

Fill out the form once with your full company and product info data (screenshots, pricing, videos, etc) and choose which directories to submit to. Some fields are optional and can be left blank. We'll pull any additional info needed from your website to complete the submissions without a lot of back and forth or asking minor questions. The goal is to get the listings published and links from the directories up and running. You always maintain full ownership of the listings per each site's TOS and you can update/enhance/fill in any gaps at any time.


See the live listings

It can take up to 2-3 weeks to get everything submitted and go through the full approval processes for publishing on every site. We will send a weekly email update with published submissions (i.e. 8 out of 20 published so far, here the links, etc.). There is not a guarantee that all 20 will ultimately be reviewed/approved/published but they will definitely be submitted and if there is any missing info or reasons for rejection will pass that info on and work with you to correct (not typical). Once live, we include one round of revisions. Need ongoing help keeping listings up to date? Talk to us and we can help.

Directories we submit to:

Choose the directories that are a fit or match for your SaaS solution

Cloud Ratings
Product Hunt
Software Advice
Good Firms

Case Studies


Kroolo Logo
  • Industry 
  • Location
  • Company Size

About Kroolo

Introducing Kroolo - your ultimate productivity powerhouse. Transform your workflow with Kroolo's all-in-one integration of workspaces, projects, tasks, goals, documents, and collaboration tools - all unified in a single hub, enhanced by AI. Consolidate your goals, tasks, projects and OKRs metrics all in one dashboard for a clear overview of objectives.

Published on 12 Directories

Sonos Pro

Sonos Pro Logo
  • Industry 
  • Location
    Santa Barbara, CA
  • Company Size

What is Sonos Pro?

Sonos Pro makes it easy to play what you love—music, podcasts, movies, shows, audiobooks, radio and more—and share it out loud with the ones you love. We’re not limited by what’s possible now. With a bold vision for the future of home sound, we’ve painstakingly invented the technology we needed to make it a reality.

Published on 7 Directories


Resolve Logo
  • Industry 
  • Location
  • Company Size

What is Resolve?

Automated Debt Collection - Turn past-due collections on autopilot. Streamline, scale, and manage your account receivables with Resolves AI-powered end-to-end financial operations platform.

Published on 8 Directories


Listly Logo
  • Industry 
  • Location
  • Company Size

What is Listly?

Listly is a plugin for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Naver Whale that enables users to scrape the web without needing to write any code. This makes it easier for you to gather a large amount of information and export it into either Excel or Google Sheets, for your benefit!

Published on 8 Directories


Admina Logo
  • Industry 
  • Location
    Tokyo, Japan
  • Company Size


Admina (previously known as IT Management Cloud) simply helps companies discover, manage and optimize SaaS applications. It allows businesses to gain complete visibility of SaaS applications and help them understand what SaaS apps they have, what those apps cost, and how they’re used, allowing them to identify underused and unused applications, provision & de-provision users, as well as discover Shadow ITs.

Published on 5 Directories

Software Directory Listings - Done for You as a Service


SaaS Directory Listing Service
One Time Fee


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    Choose up to 20 Directories to submit to
  • checkmark
    Enter your data once - we submit to all directories
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    Accuracy Guaranteed - One Round of Revisions Included
Start Now
Common Questions - FAQs
Get in touch at
How do product directories impact SEO?
Directories are generally considered a good targeted referral traffic source with no SEO benefit or harm. We're only placing you in hand picked, relevant product directories and review sites focused on SaaS. After years of abuse and shady SEO practices, Google likely ignores most directory links. Does that mean there's no reason to get listed on these platforms? No, it is still a key product discovery mechanism for serious B2B buyers. SaaS software purchasers are spending time on these sites so it's important to be there with at least a baseline presence to get considered for the short list.
Why do this through
The main benefit is to save time and headaches - submitting company and product listings is a manual process with a lot of email back and forth and approvals (as well as sales calls and emails from reps selling sponsored directory packages). The process can actually be a little tricky with submitting, formatting, etc. We have VAs that have the process down and everything documented.
Should I submit before I have customer reviews?
There are different strategies here. Obviously it is ideal to have lots of glowing customer reviews, but even if you are not at that stage there are still product discovery benefits to getting listed early. Plenty of buyers may also be intrigued by startups in stealth mode or with new and innovation solutions and approaches. Buyers are often looking for alternatives to the obvious SaaS choices.
You own the listings and can make changes at any time. Need help to frequently update the listings? Contact us and we can likely help streamline this process for you.
Want to talk first?
No problem - drop us a line and we can set up a time to talk through the process and answer any questions.
Case Studies

See how other companies have grown revenue with

Insightera logo


Location:  Sydney, Australia
Australian Flag

“Before partnering with Jeremy, we had been utilizing Apollo for 12 months, thinking we were fully leveraging its capabilities. However, Jeremy revealed a whole new level of potential. His deep understanding of Apollo and expertise in crafting outbound engines are exceptional - with the right blend of personalization/customization and scalability.

Since Jeremy came on board, our success in booking meetings with targeted personas and accounts has skyrocketed. His insights have not only met but exceeded our expectations, driving significant growth for our business.

We wholeheartedly recommend Jeremy to any organization aiming to maximize their use of Apollo. His input has been a game-changer for us."

David Larter, Founder of Jolly (now Arrears) (now Arrears)
  • Industry 
    Debt Collection Software
  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA USA
  • Company Size

Partnered with pre-revenue SaaS to build initial outbound and inbound lead engine, supported by content, directory listings, setup. Result was steady flow of booked, qualified demos (avg 10+ per month).

Tactics, Services Used:

Outsourced SDR Services - email, phone, LinkedIn outreach. Setup, Automations, Sequences, List Building; integrated with Hubspot CRM.

Built initial cold call, demo, email scripts, sales FAQs, objection handling. A/B tested, refined over time.

Cold Email Domain Setup for Outbound Outreach and to protect primary domain.

Intent Data - used intent data sources Bombora and Leadsift to identify in-market accounts researching relevant software (debt collection software); automated outreach to right contacts at those accounts .

Dealfront setup, integration to identify anonymous website visitors (accounts) and automate cold outreach to matching buyer personas to convert to traffic to demos.

SEO Analysis, Content Mapping - Identified high intent keywords like “chatgpt for debt collection” and “ to drive traffic and support outbound efforts.

Software Directory Submission Service - posted Arrears on 10+ software directories including G2, Capterra, SoftwareAdvice for product discovery, links, traffic.

Want to find out more?
Read about our Pricing, Process and Phased approach to Outsourced SaaS Sales

Project Stages: Setup

By end of Week 1


Outcome: Setup, Logistics

  • Setup shared Notion doc for To List, collaboration
  • Complete ICP doc (client) - to get on same page of ICPs, Messaging, Goals
  • Setup/Troubleshoot Domains, DNS, Warm up of cold outreach inboxes
  • integrations, account/contact mappings (CRM, blacklists, sequence rules, etc.)
  • Add tracking pixel, setup for Account ID
By end of Week 2

Initial Setup

Outcome: Account, Contact Lists.
Framework to connect sequences, plays, reports.

  • Build Initial Prospect Lists at Account and Contact Level
  • Setup Custom Account Scoring Model
  • Build Personas
  • Set up intent data topics
  • Setup any custom account/contact fields for segmenting or personalization
  • Implement initial Sequences, Campaigns
By end of Week 3

Plays, Reporting, Sequences

Setup as an automated lead engine with custom reporting

  • Set up Plays (automations) to ensure a steady flow of taegeted campaigns, leads and clean data
  • Set up reporting/dashboards
  • Troubleshoot
By end of Week 4

Final Adjustments, Handoff

By end of Week 4 should be running smoothly and ready for full handoff

  • Best practices playbook, documentation, tutorials for your SDR and Sales team (List definitions, account and stages, process)
  • 45 minute recorded call with your sales team (optional)
  • Any final plays, reports/dashboards, adjustments.
weeks 5+

Ongoing Maintenance, Support

By the end of month

  • Book an addental any time to add Plays, Sequences, Consult, etc.
  • Buyer personas
  • Lists - Account, Contacts
  • Custom Scoring Models (Accounts, Contacts)
  • Personalized, targeted Sequences for different personas/lists (you write; we can help if needed)
  • Integration with Hubspot, other CRM
  • Plays (automations)
  • Continued Fine tuning, troubleshooting, consult over 2 months of setup Consulting Pricing

1-on-1 Roadmap

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    Initial 1 hour consult call to understand your sales process, tech stack.
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    Step by Step Roadmap to setup to meet your goals, based on your specific situation
one time fee
Order Setup or Reconfiguration,
Done for you as a Service

  • checkmark
    Initial 1 hour consult call to understand your sales process, tech stack.
  • checkmark
    2nd call to get alignment on setup and plan
  • checkmark
    Initial custom setup, including:
  • Buyer personas
  • Lists - Account, Contacts
  • Custom Scoring Models (Accounts, Contacts)
  • Personalized, targeted Sequences for different personas/lists (you write; we can help if needed for an additional fee)
  • Integration with Hubspot, other CRM
  • Plays (automations)
  • Continued Fine tuning, troubleshooting, consult over 2 months of setup
  • Custom Reporting and Dashboard setup (depending on your Apollo plan features)
  • Best practices playbook, documentation, tutorials for your SDR and Sales team (List definitions, account and contact stages, process)
  • 45 minute recorded call with your sales team (optional)
  • Timeframe: Usually 3-6 weeks
one time fee

Cold Email Domain Setup, Warming

More info on process here, including why you don’t want to use your primary domain for cold outreach, DNS settings, factors for email deliverability, # of emails per domain/mailbox here: Cold Email Best Practices for SaaS Companies


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    5 Domains, 2 Email Inboxes per Domain (10 total)
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    DNS Settings - SFP, DKIM, DMARC, 2 week email warming period, redirect domain to your main website
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    Central inbox set up as "Send from"
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    Domains are bought on Namecheap and then ownership is transferred. Google Workspace is set up and then ownership is transferred.
/for 5 domains
Includes 5 domains, 2 email addresses per domain (10 total)

Ongoing, Cold Outbound support

On call Fine tuning, troubleshooting, consult after initial setup (up to 5+ hours a month)


One time - Hourly Consulting Call

Book an hour call anytime to troubleshoot, optimize, setup, strategize about all things and outbound sales

one time fee
Order Video Tutorials

Learn More About Our Processes for Helping Early Stage SaaS Companies Grow Using

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Tell Us About Your B2B SaaS Sales Outsourcing Needs.

Best Outsourced Ad Sales Rep Firms And Services 2021 - Complete Guide - Top 10 Companies Compared

Who this guide is intended for:

Independent Web Publishers, media companies, and website owners and operators that are considering outsourcing or hiring dedicated ad sales sales help and expertise to grow revenue with limited risk/up front investment. The focus is on moving beyond programmatic display and into more integrated, strategic ad products to expand revenues.

Can Outsourced Ad Sales really work? Is there a minimum traffic level or monthly unique visitors required?

For Direct Sales to work, a web property generally must have realistic potential for at least $10K/month (ideally more) in direct ad sales revenue beyond programmatic display. There is not necessarily a specific monthly traffic level - niche B2B, purchase focused websites will command much higher premiums and advertiser demand than B2C or less focused, news oriented sites.

Read the Guide