B2B SaaS Sales Outsourcing Pricing and Process

Looking for Apollo.io only setup and consulting help?

Base Outsourced SDR  Package

+ $100/SQL Demo
~5-10+ SQL/mo per SDR Package
All plans require initial 3 month minimum commitment; month to month after that
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User access
Build Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs)

We will work with you to use intent data, firmographic, technographic data to hone in on ICP(s).

Apollo.io Setup – Build Target Account Lists (TALs), Buyer Personas (Contacts), Custom Account and Content Scores

Build an automated, personalized, flexible outbound engine to generate interest, leads, demos.

  • Granular targeting, list building.
  • Account Level: Intent Data by keyword, Technologies installed, micro-industries, keywords, job changes, job department sizes, YoY growth, funding, web visits, Look Alikes, etc.).
  • Contact Level - Personas: Granular job titles, functions, time in role, etc.
  • Same with Job Changes, Web Visits, Winback deals, other campaigns that make sense for your business.
  • Custom Account and Contact Scores, Models (see Appendix).
Cold Email Outreach Domains Setup, Warming

Set up separate redirected domains, each setup with DKIM/SPF/DMARC, warmed up email inboxes (2). Example of process

Apollo.io Setup - Build Multi-Channel (phone, email, LinkedIN) Outreach Sequences, A/B Testing

Build shared Notion library and test/iterate:

  • Cold/Warm Email Outreach Sequences – personalized, customized to specific ICPs, specific relevant content offers, A/B test subjects lines, messaging, etc. 
  • Cold Call Scripts, FAQs, Common Objection Handling (all calls recorded in Apollo/CRM).
  • LinkedIn outreach incorporated (our SDRs or we can automate this for you or someone from your team).
Apollo.io Setup – Plays (Automations, Integrations)

”Plays” are automations – for instance:

  • Intent Data – automatically update a weekly list of “in market” accounts researching “SMS Marketing Software”, find the contacts, add to outbound sequences. Example of process here
  • Dealfront – identify accounts visiting your website/high value pages, find relevant contacts that match your personas, drop them into targeted sequences.
  • Job Change Sequence – Automatically detect contacts that are <90 days in a new role that matches your persona/TAL – drop into sequence (more open to new approaches/tech).

All integrated with CRM.

Content Marketing - Consult
Outbound Sales – SDR Role (SaaSBoost.io team)

Mix of LinkedIn, Email, Phone direct outreach. Sales Follow Up, Objection Handling, Qualifying, Demo Booking. Two ½ time reps to start – one focused on email/social, another phone. Fluent English Speakers.

– 2 ½ time SDRs
Closed Loop Reporting, Weekly Strategy Call

Weekly 1 hour strategy call (optional), reportingSee appendix with example reports - includes engagement by job title, industry, company size, sequence, etc.

Content Marketing – Initial SEO Analysis/ Recommendation to support SDR outbound efforts

Initial SEO Analysis to identify next best easiest to rank for keywords and content marketing topics. Competitor Keyword Gap Analysis, trends, etc. Content suggestions specifically to support Outbound campaigns/efforts.

+$1,999 one time fee
Content Marketing – Done for You as a Service (5X Blog posts/mo)

Ongoing SEO audit, plan, collaborate and produce 5X/mo Blog Posts to support outbound efforts and campaigns.
Can include Roundup Posts, Competitive Comparison Pages, Tutorials and Use Case Posts. 
Strategy and examples here

+$1,999 /mo
Software Submission Service (up to 20 SW directories)

Get listed in up to 20 relevant software directories for product discovery including G2, Capterra, etc.. One time fee. Read More

+One time $999 fee
ICP, Buyer Persona, Content Mapping Session and Report

1 Hour consult with SaaSBoost and 20+ year B2B Tech Marketing Exec (Demand Gen, Growth, Marketing Ops roles at startups and large tech companies)

Deeerp Dive into ICPs, Buyer Personas, Sales Process

Report to include:

  • Detailed ICPs, Buyer Personas, and Content Plan mapping back to ICPs/Personas.
  • Account/Contact Lists, Data, TAM for each segment.
+One time $4,999 fee
Timelines and Expected Outcomes for B2B SaaS Outsourced Sales with SaaSBoost.io

B2B SaaS Outsourced Sales Process

First 1-2 Weeks: Onboarding

What's Included:
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    Setup and/or integrate with your systems for outreach, tracking, calendaring, etc.
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    Learn ICPs, Messaging, Product, Differentiators
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    Build Initial Prospect Lists, Sequences, Campaigns
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    Warm up cold outreach inboxes if needed
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    Content marketing – consult or help develop if needed
Setup, Logistics

Weeks 2-4: Testing, Strategy

What's Included:
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    Start Email Outreach
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    Start testing, optimizing based on initial data
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    Setup playbooks other channels based on engagement rules, scores (LinkedIn, video, phone, email, social, etc.)
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    Build other scripts, canned response for each channelSEO Analysis, Content Marketing Plan, Start producing blog posts to support outbound efforts
Initial Data, Responses, Build Playbooks that can Scale

Weeks 3-5: Onboard 1SDR

What's Included:
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    Bring on and Train SDR/AE on Product, Messaging, Scripts, Systems
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    Personalized outreach to Priority Contacts, Accounts
Plug in SDR to Strategy, Systems. First results.

Weeks 5-8+: Ramped Up = Results

What's Included:
  • checkmark
    Weekly Reporting
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    Closed Loop Feedback – Weekly Meetings or Feedback on Demo quality, Closed/Won Pipeline, New features, initiatives, targets, use cases.
By the end of month three, we should be on pace for 8-10 demos/mo. Increased traffic,Inbound leads and flow of interest from outbound channels

Months 3-6+: Add on SDRs/AE if needed

Option to add SDRs once repeatable,Scaleable model is in place

Months 4-12+: Develop, Promote or Hire AEs

What's Included:
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    SaaSBoost.io can promote or hire Account Executives and manage on your behalf
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    Option to hire on SDRs or AEs to your team directly
Hire or Promote AEs
Common Questions

FAQs - How Does the Process Work?

Get in touch at
Agreements are typically on a mixed monthly retainer/commission structure (or even equity), with an initial test period and month to month after that. We are looking for long term partners and hope you are as well. It takes time to understand a product, market, competitive positioning, as well as building up a database of prospects, messaging and marketing systems, and a sales pipeline. Once we have that flywheel established it's beneficial for both sides to continue the partnership.
Yes, generally we’d need at a bare minimum $500 MRR to make the numbers work for both sides. Direct sales efforts and the finances make more sense for mid-market/enterprise customers and accounts with ARR potential of $10-50K or more.
All customer interactions through SaaSBoost.io are with Jeremy Hurley – located in Redwood City, CA with two decades of sales and marketing experience with a focus on B2B SaaS and tech. Some top of funnel activities may be handled by software or another member of the team (BDR role).
It's best to set up a discovery call to go over your exact needs, product, and market. If it’s a fit, from there we’d propose a structure that makes sense and limits risk for both sides. Contact us to get the conversation started.
Post your part time SaaS sales position to the Jobs board. SaaSBoost.io has a pool of qualified, part-time SaaS sales pros looking for flexible roles with growing SaaS companies. Many of these positions are 100% remote, flexible, part-time (1099), or even commission only. SaaSBoost will do our best to match you with qualified SaaS sales candidates based on your needs and market. Cost is $99 for a 12 month listing.

Outsourced SDR Pricing

The top end of the sales funnel is often the easiest way to get started with an outsourced sales agency and quickly prove ROI. SaaSBoost.io can partner with you to help nail down your ICP and messaging, build a database of relevant, in market accounts and contacts with buying intent, and set up systems and the initial SDR team to automate, personalize and execute outreach at scale.
The outcome is a pipeline of warm, interested leads, booked demos, and an outbound engine that we can run on your behalf or hand over at any time. Learn more about Outsourced SDR/BDR Services.

Costs: Start at $6K/mo retainer + per lead/demo variable cost

Find out more about Outsourced SDR Services, the process and what we can provide.

General B2B SaaS Sales Outsourcing Pricing Discussions and Resources:

Quora Discussion on "How can I outsource the sales of my SaaS product? I only want to give result-based salary"
Generally not a good idea as it is unlikely to produce results, or even worse can reward short term thinking and bad deals
Tips for Outsourced SaaS Sales
- types of companies that can benefit, ways to support your outsourced sales partner
Best B2B Sales Outsourcing Companies And Services 2021 - Complete Guide  
- 18 outsourced B2B sales agencies listed and compared. Very few have public pricing pages.

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