
G2 has its headquarters in Chicago, IL. G2 raised a $157M round with over a $1B valuation on the strength of it’s 140,000+verified users and taxonomy 2,000+ categories and sub-categories of software.

It assists with business growth by providing companies with the ability to discover, buy, and manage technology to help unlock their potential.

They provide detailedreviews by asking over 60 questions, ensuring that you get comprehensive qualitative reports to compare a product’s features and benefits. 

G2 has the followingtools and features:

●      Insightful taxonomy to compare similar services

●      Convenient searches and filters for service and agency reviews

●      Easy submission and editing of reviews to ensure updated feedback

●      Ability to filter services and providers based on location

●      Profiles and descriptions of companies and services

G2 provides custom quotes thus ensuring that you get a fair and reasonable rate based on your specific usage and requirements. G2 is also a leading provider of intent data.

Alexa Traffic:
Domain Rank:
Hidden rank:

Top 20 Software Directory and Review Sites - Complete Guide 2021

About This Guide - Software Directory and Review Sites

Listings in top SaaS Directory and Review sites can have lots of benefits for SaaS companies. This is a key marketing checkbox for all SaaS companies that want to get discovered by B2B buyers searching for specific software solutions. It’s great to rank for specific terms and hope that your buyers are going to land on your webpage. The reality is buyers are doing heavy pre-purchase research on third party sites like G2 and Capterra long before they visit your site or talk to one of your sales reps. This guide dives into some of the benefits, questions, and best practices around getting listed on software directories, which site to get listed on, and offers a service for taking the manual legwork out of managing the submission and listing process.

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