Part Time, Flexible SaaS Sales Reps for Hire

Job Role:
Full Cycle Sales (AE)
Sales Management/Consulting
Job Type:
Job Description:
Full Cycle Sales (Account Executives, or AEs) are responsible for Closed Deals
Responsible for hiring, training, managing a sales organization and building a repeatable and scalable sales process
Experienced and highly accomplished sales professional with experience as both a senior individual contributor as well as sales leader. Experience in Enterprise, SaaS sales as well as digital media.
Current Position: 
Moynihan Sales and Marketing Solutions, LLC
Tampa Bay, FL USA
Years of Experience:
Sales Tech Stack:
Sales Awards:
Key Sales Clients:
1099 or W2?
Open to 1099 Only
Compensation Requirements:
Base and Commission
SaaS Market Experience:
Business Intelligence
Data Analytics

I've spent my entire career in the advertising and marketing space. For the last 10 years, I've worked for several startups in the adtech/martech space. Have been both a sales leader and individual contributor and have experience in most facets of adtech and martech.

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Steve Moynihan

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Looking for Pre-Qualified SaaS Sales Reps?

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Many candidates are seeking flexible, remote, 1099 sales jobs. Some are open to Commission Only positions or looking to make an impact at early stage companies.

$99 for 12 Months. One Time Fee.